Thursday, February 7, 2013

Welcome to my Bracket Blog

First, a little about me.  I am a sports fan and amateur prognosticator.  I live in Indiana and am a huge fan of Indiana University.  Also, I am a full time student, coach middle school basketball, and have a wife and two young sons.  I'd like to tell you when I'll have updates, but my busy schedule makes it hard to do so regularly.  I will attempt to have at least two updates weekly through February, and more frequently in March.  Once major conference tournaments start, I'll likely have daily updates.
I have created this blog so that I can put my own projections out there, I can test my prognostication skills against the professionals and other amateur bracket projections, and so that you can comment on my projections.  I am working on a points system to evaluate brackets, and would appreciate feedback.  Also, for anyone interested in comparing different brackets, I recommend The Bracket Project, where you can view other brackets, and take a look at the NCAA Principles and Procedures for selecting, seeding, and bracketing teams in the tournament
My first bracket is already posted, and my next one should come soon.  I am looking for better ways to display my bracket, so that may evolve over the next month.

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